Rockchip RK3288 released the latest quad-core processors on CES2014 in Las Vegas. According to the information given by the official, RK3288 will use a quad-core Cortex-A17 architecture, maximum speeds up to 1.8GHz, integrated Mali-T764 graphics chip, with H.265 hardware decode capability 4K × 2K resolution. Rockchip customers at home and abroad will bring a plate feast, was appropriate for a more complete product line layout and global strategy, the current red core micro scheme choice be obtained China Tablet PC manufacturers, including lenovo, asus, Toshiba, ifive brands. At the same time, numerous brands to choose RK3288 ifive tablet is expected to first start RK3288!
From the architecture is concerned, Cortex-A17 biggest feature is the use of the same with the Cortex-A15 architecture is completely out of order, the most immediate effect is the performance boost. Dual instruction decoding, dual address generator (AGU), multiple instruction distributed (multi issue) and other special architecture design makes Cortex-A17 on instruction execution efficiency considerably improved over Ifive mini 3, is based on the above improvements, at the same frequency, single-threaded performance Cortex-A17 Cortex-A9 than 40 % increase, while the frequency up to 1.8GHz of performance than the previous generation RK3188 RK3288 50 % performance improvement.
Sources also said RK3288 processor integrated LPDDR3 64bit dual-channel memory controller, higher bandwidth for higher and higher screen resolution Ifive X3 tablet is undoubtedly good news. 2048 × 1536 resolution screen Caton phenomenon will exist after the RK3188 chip with on RK3288 processor this issue will be improved.
RK3288 processor is quite another feature is the subject of attention of 4K × 2K H.265 hardware decode support. Regardless 4K Hao, H.265 or, these are much hot topic recently. Video playback capability 1080P of the earlier RK3188 has been criticized in the RK3288, video decoding and finally upgrade to 4K, but official sources also mentioned that the video output can reach 4K standard, if really can achieve it, be able to point the video output to have been everywhere 4K TV is a big selling point.
RK3288 with two high full advantage, namely high performance, high efficiency and full 4K, this release will push the Tablet PC to mobile Internet products, including the new quad-core processor speed of evolution. With the release of high-end flagship RK3288, the market will have a more powerful and brave Chinese core global influence. RK3288 processor performance is still very worth the wait, Ifive tablet when starting the RK3288? Wait and see!